
A full list of values for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Author: Olga Goralewicz, ACT Specialist The ACT values list will help you be more aware of what’s truly important in your life. When your behavior is not in line with your core values: you may experience unexpected psychological issues, your self-esteem is likely to drop, the decision-making process can become harder, and you may even become depressed. Everyone has a different set of values, so…

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Author: Olga Goralewicz, ACT Specialist What does anxiety feel like? Anxiety is similar to the fight-or-flight response. It can occur as a result of many triggers, reasonable or not. How can anxiety affect relationships? Anxiety can hurt relationships if it prevents you from being compassionate and vulnerable with a partner. Many people find that anxiety makes initiating and keeping up relationships difficult. How does anxiety…

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ACT for anxiety

Author: Olga Goralewicz, ACT Specialist Anxiety, in all its different forms, is one of the most common mental health challenges today.  Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is effective against many mental health disorders, like Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), social anxiety, and substance abuse. Clients are taught to train their psychological flexibility to deal with difficult situations instead of avoiding them. This kind of therapy relies…

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What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?

Author: Olga Goralewicz, ACT Specialist Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (pronounced as the word “ACT”) focuses on developing psychological flexibility and mindfulness for a better quality of life. It is a form of psychotherapy that teaches patients to: let unpleasant thoughts and feelings that are out of your control come and go, and take action towards living a life you want to live. Can Acceptance and…

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What is the difference between CBT and ACT?

Author: Olga Goralewicz, ACT Specialist Telling the difference between ACT and CBT may be confusing. Both are rooted in behavior therapy. While traditional CBT focuses on eliminating unpleasant feelings and emotions, ACT concentrates on their acceptance.  The second approach works to improve the quality of life while recognizing that not all sensations are pleasant or should be eliminated. Nonetheless, psychotherapy, as understood by both ACT…

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